Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Slade Ransdell: Act 2 Themes and Response

One of the main themes in Act 2 is hesitation. Hamlet is hesitant to kill his uncle because he is doubtful that the ghost was telling the truth. Fearful that the apparition was actually a demon, he has to make sure that Claudius actually did commit the vile acts of which he has been accused. On the other hand, Claudius and Gertrude worry about Hamlet, and do not hesitate in trying to cheer him up. They automatically believe that his love for Ophelia is the source of his sadness and neglect to find definite proof.. Unlike Hamlet who needs the proof before he will act. Perhaps Claudius himself is worried that Hamlets depression will make him question the circumstances of his father's death. Either way, the king and Hamlet are contrasts in the ways they handle themselves. Claudius does not hesitate, Hamlet does.

I liked act 2 because the story is finally starting to unravel. The rising action had started and Hamlet is beginning to show signs of a moral struggle. This is good because it shows that at least he isn't a ruthless killer. Despite his feeling towards his uncle, he is determined to make absolutely sure he is guilty before serving justice. He does this by using the play, which I'm sure is going to be an important part of Act 3. Overall I like the story so far and am interested to see how the rest of it will turn out between Ophelia and Hamlet as well as how Claudius will react to the upcoming play.

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